Thursday, September 22, 2011

Investigation Comparison- GoAnimate

Simplicity                             5
Theme                                  4
Characters                            4
Sound                                   5
TOTAL                              18

Simplicity: Simplicity is important to have but having too much of it, can make it a bit boring. GoAnimate has exactly the correct amount of simplicity. It isn't too simple but its enough for a 6th grader to understand.  GoAnimate has great choices for everything and it is fun and easy to understand the concept you're trying to set by.

Theme: The themes on GoAnimate are very fun and easy to work with. The good thing about GoAnimate is that the themes are there made for you so you don't have to do as much work with. The good thing about the templates on GoAnimate is that there are two free themes for every template you choose. The themes are good because they're easy to understand what's going on, a 6th grader would understand without difficulty. 

Characters: The characters are good because they're very diverse and like the themes, there are two characters for every template you choose. You can choose either a male or female of both so the choices are good and very diverse. The characters a good for a 6th grader to understand because they're fun looking and little kids like fun things. 

Sounds: The sounds in GoAnimate are very great. Once you have the characters, it gives you the chance to pick the voice desired for that character. The voices available are 2 for male and 2 for female. You can type in whatever it is that you want the animated character to say and the voice choices are made with whichever kind of voice or accent that you want to choose. There is also background music that plays before and after the actual people start talking and it's good because the music goes with the setting and that really grabs people's attention. 

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